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The Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) conducts research in the humanities using digital tools and methods and is engaged in building and maintaining DH-related infrastructures.


  • Langzeitarchivierung

    Dieser Kurs gibt einen Einblick in die langfristige Bewahrung digitaler Daten, d.h. die Archivierung digitaler Daten. Es werden praktische Tipps aus der Perspektive der Datenersteller gegeben.
  • Einführung in Metadaten und Dokumentation

    Anschließend an die "Grundlagen des Datenmanagements" und der praktischen Übung zu Datenmanagement bietet dieser Kurs eine Einführung in das Thema Metadaten. Was sind Metadaten? Aus welchen Komponenten bestehen sie? Und welche Typen von Metadaten können wir unterscheiden?
  • Grundlagen des Datenmanagements

    Dieses Kapitel erläutert einige grundlegende Regeln für ein aktives und gutes Datenmanagement und beschreibt, wie Dateien und Ordner sinnvoll und eindeutig benannt und strukturiert werden können, wie man mit Versionierung arbeitet und welche Dateiformate für die Nachnutzbarkeit und Langzeitarchivierung geeignet sind.
  • DYLEN: Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks

    This post is a quick reference guide to the DYLEN tool, an interactive visualisation tool that the Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks project team created to provide insights into the dynamic lexical changes of Austrian German during the 21st century. It helps lexicographers and linguists to analyse the development of Austrian German lexemes over the course of time. It is an open source tool that can be used free of charge.
  • Corpus Query Language im Austrian Media Corpus

    Diese Ressource stellt den Austria Media Corpus (amc) und seine Nutzungsmöglichkeiten vor. Sie erklärt die Durchführung von Abfragen in der corpus query engine namens Sketch Engine. Im Besonderen geht es um die Einführung in Sketch Engine's "Corpus Query Language" (CQL). Das Ziel des Tutorials ist es, den Benutzern des Austrian Media Corpus (amc) einen einfachen Einstieg in die Abfrage des amc mit der Sketch Engine und CQL zu ermöglichen. Daher ist das Tutorial bewusst in deutscher Sprache gehalten. Alle Beispiele im Tutorial sind direkt dem amc entnommen.
  • Tutorial for VOICE 3.0

    This tutorial explains how to navigate in and use the new VOICE 3.0 Online interface for the Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English, developed by the VOICE CLARIAH project team and released in September 2021. The tutorial introduces the web interface, explains how to run search queries, apply filters for the creation of sub-corpora and set bookmarks. In addition, it provides short quizzes and links to short videos explaining the design and functions of the VOICE 3.0 interface.
    • Marie-Luise Pitzl
    • Stefanie Riegler
    • Ruth Osimk-Teasdale
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  • Knowledge Design

    In this lecture from the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), Jeffrey Schnapp outlines the main questions which Knowledge Design is concerned with. Schnapp provides an overview of the current situation of boundaries between libraries, museums, archives, and the classroom becoming growing porous. Additionally, he explores the role of knowledge in Digital Humanities, and which methods and tools are ideal for efficient knowledge extraction.
  • What 300-Dimensional Fridges Can Tell Us about Language

    In this lecture from the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), Dirk Hovy gives an introduction to the method called embeddings, and showcases several applications of it. Hovy shows how they capture regional variation at an intra- and interlingual level, how they distinguish varieties and linguistic resources, and how they allow for the assessment of changing societal norms and associations.
  • Things that Poems Taught me about Visualization

    In this lecture from the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), Miriah Meyer reflects on the question "why work with humanists as a computer scientist". She expands on how interdisciplinary collaborations with poetry scholars have shaped her own research thinking.
  • Visual Analytics - Enabling Images to Speak for Themselves

    In this lecture from the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), Björn Ommer discusses Visual Analytics's concern of how to teach machines to enable visuals to speak for themselves. Pointing out the current inadequacy of research tools in the humanities, Ommer discusses questions such as "How would research in the humanities benefit if computers could handle images just as competently as they presently process text?"
  • Shaping the Unseen - Behind the Scenes of Data Visualization

    In this lecture from the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), Jan Willem Tulp gives an overview of data visualisation as a type of data representation. Additionally, he discusses types of visualisation such as impression or experience as well as case studies, such as the European Space Agency or Tulp's project on 2012 national elections in the Netherlands.
  • Looking for Revolution in the Data Pool

    In this lecture from the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), Keith Baker addresses the Digital Humanities dimensions of two projects ('Writing Rights' and 'Revolutionizing Revolution') against the academic background at Stanford. This lecture gives special attention to exploring the possibilities of digital archives as well as visualisation in the field of history.